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    KCI BioTech (Suzhou) Inc.
    Ministry of Commerce:0512-69998806-8012
    East and South China:Ms. Gu 15378638068
    North China, East China:Mr. Han 18914988667
    Central and Western regions: Ms. Xiang 15828112963
    Project Management Department:0512-69998806-8022
    Tumor business:0512-69998806-8058
    Non tumor business:0512-69998806-8026
    Pathogenic microorganism business:0512-69998806-8037
    Integrated Service Platform:0512-69998806-8022
    Address: Building A2, Xinyang Industrial Park, No. 8 Yanghua Road, Suzhou Industrial Park

BSL-2/ABSL-2 Laboratory


Isolation and cultivation of bacteria/fungi/viruses

In vitro antiviral CC50 and EC50 testing

In vitro antimicrobial 

susceptibility test

Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 


1. Micro broth dilution method

2. Paper amplification method

FIC assay chessboard method combined with antibacterial ability determination

Influence of biological characteristics

1. Growth curve

2. Sports force

3. Biofilm

4. Adhesive invasion

Evaluation of vaccine 


Humoral immune evaluation

1. Combining IgG antibodies and detecting different subtypes

2.Neutralization test/hemagglutination inhibition test

Cellular immune evaluation

ELISOPT IFN - γ/IL-2/IL-4/IL-6 detection

Flow detection - CD4+\ CD8+\ IFN - γ+\ TNF - α+\ IL-2+

\ IL-4+\ IL-6+and other detection methods

Anti toxic protective experiment

Evaluation of therapeutic anti infective drugs
