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    KCI BioTech (Suzhou) Inc.
    Ministry of Commerce:0512-69998806-8012
    East and South China:Ms. Gu 15378638068
    North China, East China:Mr. Han 18914988667
    Central and Western regions: Ms. Xiang 15828112963
    Project Management Department:0512-69998806-8022
    Tumor business:0512-69998806-8058
    Non tumor business:0512-69998806-8026
    Pathogenic microorganism business:0512-69998806-8037
    Integrated Service Platform:0512-69998806-8022
    Address: Building A2, Xinyang Industrial Park, No. 8 Yanghua Road, Suzhou Industrial Park

Key Models for Atherosclerosis Drug Development

Atherosclerosis, commonly known as “hard blood vessels”, is mainly caused by endothelial lipid accumulation, fibrous tissue proliferation and calcium deposits, with no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and large and medium-sized arteries (such as coronary arteries, carotid arteries, cerebral arteries, renal arteries and so on) are more likely to be affected by the lesions. In general, the prognosis of atherosclerosis is based on the location and extent of the lesion, the rate of development of stenosis, the damage to the affected organs, and the presence or absence of complications, and the prognosis of atherosclerosis is worse when the lesion involves important organs such as the heart, the brain, and the kidneys.
  We have established a stable model of diet-induced atherosclerosis, which is suitable for preclinical studies of drugs for atherosclerosis treatment and evaluation of new drugs.
       If you have a project need and experience more of our professional services, please contact us.

Our Services

Model classification

Model Name

Animal species


Apoe-/- Mouse + Western Diet-Induced Atherosclerosis Model


Atherosclerosis model induced by high-fat and high-cholesterol

feed in rabbits and nonhuman primates


non-human primate

Case sharing

Mouse atherosclerosis model

Next:Stroke Models