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Key model of acute kidney injury drug development

  Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common clinical disease with a high mortality rate, and it usually progresses to chronic kidney disease (CKD) or even end-stage renal disease (ESRD). AKI has become an important global public health problem. According to literature reports, the incidence of AKI has increased year by year in recent years, which is related to the aging of the population.
KCI's research team has extensive experience in urinary system models and has established a stable model that can help you deal with the challenges of drug development in the field of urinary system diseases and meet your new drug development requirements.
  If you have project needs and experience our more professional services, please contact us.





Acute kidney injury model

Acute renal ischemia reperfusion injury model

Rodents, NHP

Acute unilateral ureteral ligation

Rodents, NHP


Acute kidney injury model

UUO induced renal fibrosis model

Next:Key model for drug development of subacute and chronic renal failure